Some of Newham's ARRS staff meet for a personalisation roles meeting.
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Personalised Care roles in Newham

Personalisation is a key driver to how we work with patients and three roles in particular are designed to work holistically to address what matters most to patients. NHC has a team of 18 social prescribing link workers, health and wellbeing coaches and care coordinators who together make up the organisation’s personalisation team, working in…

Social Prescribing day - Ucehnna's story
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Social Prescribing Day – How gardening helped Uchenna

Today, 9th March 2023, is Social Prescribing day. Earlier we posted an article written by social prescriber Chanel about her role, and now we’re sharing Uchenna’s story of how social prescribing helped her during a difficult period. Gardening together was a lifeline What do you do when your flat is being flooded from upstairs, your…

Chanel Radford - Social Prescribing Day
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Social Prescribing Day – Hear from our social prescriber Chanel

9th March 2023 marks Social Prescribing day! Social prescribers play a key role in primary care, supporting patients to become less socially isolated, and improve their wellbeing and health by accessing activities and services in their local community. Hear from Chanel as she explains what her role involves and why she gets so much satisfaction…